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Food 4 Future – ExpoFoodTech
Food 4 Future ExpoFoodTech has closed its sixth edition in Bilbao with around 171 conferences, more than 400 national and international...
EcoMotion Week 2023
Noga attended EcoMotion Week 2023, the flagship event of smart mobility in Israel. EcoMotion- the smart mobility community in Israel- ...
Israel and Mexico in the Nearshoring Era
The relocation of companies from the United States to its neighboring Mexico has produced a new phenomenon called nearshoring....
OurCrowd Annual Summit 2023
The OurCrowd Summit is one of the premier events in the startup world and the largest investor event in the Middle East. It provides...
Noga 2023. Conectando LATAM e Iberia con Israel
Estos días comienza un nuevo año que trae nuevos desafíos y oportunidades de cooperación entre América Latina e Israel. En ese sentido,...
Noga Plus Knowledge Sharing – Connecting Latin American corporates with Israeli Technologies.
KS stands for Knowledge Sharing. At Noga, the continued Sharing of Knowledge empowers the Israeli ecosystem by learning from the...
“Scale for a change”: Insights into FoodTech IL 2022
by Ilan Levy “Scale for a change” was the motto of the most recent Food Tech event in Tel Aviv, Israel. The Kitchen Hub by Strauss Group...
Food Tech: "De la investigación académica a la innovación tecnológica"
Por Exequiel Lacovsky Como parte de la ola de eventos que se están llevando a cabo en Israel alrededor de los temas de Food/agro Tech y...
Climate action in Israel: insights into PLANETech
by Ilan Levy “Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts. Climate change is a real and undeniable threat to our entire...
Insights into Climate Solutions Festival 2022
by Ilan Levy Israel became once again an international stage for climate tech innovation. The ecosystem promoting decarbonization and...
What is Impact Investing?
Some people think we come to the world with a sole purpose, a mission which will complete us and fulfil us. Others may think life is...
Los mejores fondos de inversión de impacto (Impact Investment Funds) de Israel
Cuando hablamos de Fondos de Inversión en Israel comúnmente nos referimos a inversiones en altas tecnologías que tienen potencial de...
La “fiebre” de unicornios en Israel
En Israel, a pesar de la pandemia del Covid- 19 y la crisis financiera que la misma trajo, más de 15 compañías se han convertido en...
What can Israel learn from the Mexican industry?
Many people might think that Mexico is only distinguished by its stunning beaches, incredible places, and delicious food; however, with a...
Follow your dreams: An interview with Eran Gronich, CEO of Flying SpArk
Finding inspirational entrepreneurs is not a difficult task to do, especially in Israel. But finding entrepreneurs who are not only...
¿Qué son las empresas unicornio?
Los unicornios son criaturas bellas, hermosas y poco comunes. Son seres mitológicos representados, por lo general, por caballos blancos o...
Latin American Unicorn: Who are they and where are they from?
You can't connect the dots looking forward […] As Steve Jobs said You can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that...
Startups Israelíes inundan Wall Street
Cada semana, el equipo de Noga se reúne y revisa las tareas que todos deben completar durante la próxima semana, revisamos las nuevas...
La importancia de innovar en la industria alimentaria
La industria alimentaria incluye todos los procesos propios y relacionados con la cadena alimentaria de la sociedad, que van desde el...
Innovación abierta: Conociendo a BIMBO - GTD
A 40 km al oeste de la Ciudad de México se encuentra la ciudad industrial de Toluca. Toluca es una representación perfecta de la ciudad...
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